We have delivered thousands of RAITA BioKem wastewater treatment systems, to Finland, Sweden, the Baltic countries and Russia. We have tested RAITA BioKem treatment plant (size 0.85-4.5m3 / 24 h) in accordance with the European standard (EN 12566-3:2005) RAITA BioKem XL treatment plants have tested in real circumstances by the monitoring of the environmental authorities.

Summary of the cleaning performance with RAITA BioKem XL

This summary shows the monitoring results from 13 different BioKem XL treatment plant. Approximately 3000 samples of which 99% with excellent cleaning results (better than limits).  
Village wastewater treatment plant - 120 m3/24 h - installed 2006 - limits: BOD 15 mg/l - Ptot 0.8 mg/l - approx 800 samples 2007-2021, 99% better than limit values - average 2010-2021 cleaning efficiency: BOD 98% /5.3 mg/l) yearly avarages from 3,0 to11,0 mg/l) Ptot 95% / 0.56 mg/l  yearly avarages from 0,09 to 0,7 mg/l)

The cleaning efficiency is top class

| BOD - 90 - 99 % | Ptot - 90- 99 %  | Ntot - 40 - 90 % |

Village wastewater treatment plant - 10-150m3/24 h - installed in . 2012-13 - limits:  BOD 25 mg/l - Ptot 2 mg/l - results 2013-2017: BOD - 99 %, Ptot - 97 % (over 2000 samples  ->2016 ->2018 - 99,5% over limits)
Village wastewater treatment plant- 30 m3/ 24 h - installed in 2021 - limits: BOD 15 mg/l - Ptot 1mg/l - results 2021: BOD - 100 %, Ptot - 96 %, Ntot - 94% (sanitarysewage)  (sanitary and ja slaugter housesewage)  (appr.150 samples - 100 % over limits  30_6_21 | 7_7_21 | 10_8_21 | 24_8_21 | 26_10_21|
More purification data available. Ask for more information by email.